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Watched a YouTube video on 'How to understand your credit card statement' rec'd by Steven as an intro to his domain knowledge. #cleanexam
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Watched the 'Initial walkthrough video' Steven prepared to explain how the app should work in more detail (going through his Balsamiq mock-ups). #cleanexam
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Spent several hours going over the material Steven (co-founder) prepared for me to try to figure out what the UI should look like as we add functionality. Arrived at this layout: #cleanexam
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Reformat the CFPB's "Appendix M1 to Part 1026" so it's easier to follow the logic. #cleanexam
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finish filters for credit card overview #cardmapr
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build tiny Chrome extension to remove credit card balance from my checking account in bank UI so I never get confused
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credit card stuff #life
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Banking stuff
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finish credit card review #cardmapr
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get fun insights done for cc debt calc #financialtoolbelt
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Kept researching neobanks and personal finances #chores
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begin cleanup of credit card debt calc #financialtoolbelt
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Studying some stuff today #cafehopping
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research card animation #sitesauce…
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🔨 re-organized my research notes and broke down a few good course websites. seeing some patterns I didn't see before. #mylife
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Finished watching neetcode's videos on the "easy" leetcode problems. #betterjob
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Finish watching full stack web dev introductory videos #mindbody
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figure out how much credit card I can pay off without violating accounting guardrails
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Finish converting the CFPB's horrific SAS code example for calculating the "minimum payment repayment estimate" into Python. #cleanexam
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Got the CFPB's example SAS code to calculate the 'minimum payment estimate' working in SAS Studio. #cleanexam
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