Praneet Rohida

Praneet Rohida


Founding Engineer @ Working on nailing the UX and growth strategy
Joined October 2022
fix some minor bugs with the #sizzy webview logic
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Reply to pending user reports #sizzy
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pay credit card bills
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rebalance investment portfolio
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meditate #life
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port the NavigationController code to MST #sizzy
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discuss #sizzy toolbar design with the designer
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Brainstorm #sizzy 's navigation system
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Meet with the designer for #sizzy revamp
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Create a drawing to brainstorm the #sizzy data model
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set up timeout for breaks
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book an airbnb
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Discuss the next step of the #sizzy revamp with the team
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check out Next.js 13
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Refactor photo-studio code to not be a view mode #sizzy
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change hotel reservation dates
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Finish skeleton MST models for the #sizzy revamp
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Release #sizzy v70.2
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Have a call with a potential UX designer for #sizzy
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catch up with everything that happened at #sizzy while I was away
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