Malik Piara

Malik Piara


Building products that foster connection, enable education and create more access to opportunities.
Joined June 2020
Submitted thesis and now preparing for the defense #reciprocity
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Started writing a case study on The Guardian and pattern 9, 'Displaying the usage of a resource provided for free in a quantitative way.' #reciprocity
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Started writing a case study on Reciprocity and decision to replace their landing page with the product without a sign in requirement (pattern 23). #reciprocity
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Reviewed 'Reciprocity and Unveiling in Two-Sided Reputation Systems: Evidence from an Experiment on Airbnb' (…) #reciprocity
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Wrote draft for 3 chapters: Babbel Free Live Class and Instrumental Value in Reciprocity (Pattern 29), Compliments and Motivational Messages (Pattern 28) and, Duolingo Friend Quests and Combining patterns for a stronger reciprocity effect (Patterns 6, 7, 26). #reciprocity
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Started writing a comparative analysis on Duolingo and Babbel aided by the theoretical framework I designed, Reciprocity Elicitation Patterns (REP) and an additional study to complement the results. #reciprocity
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Designed a diary study to learn more about the impact of REP on user engagement. Starting today, participants will use both Duolingo and Babbel for a week and make a daily submission to Google Forms. #reciprocity
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Updated dashboard to display trends and to only display months there is data for. #outono
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Added styling to profile settings page and added a bio section to the profile #outono
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Migrated all shadcn components and config files to Typescript #outono
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Started migrating to Typescript #outono. Note to self: Never pick Javascript as default for a customer facing product unless there's a very good reason for doing so.
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Added skeleton loading to the post section of #outono Wondering if there might more effective fetching or caching strategies that would make skeleton loading unnecessary.
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Made #outono more mobile friendly.
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Limiting posts displayed in the platform and weekly newsletter. Now only posts made in the last 14 days are shown. #outono
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Added profile picture functionality to #outono
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Added basic metrics to make platform activity more transparent. Absolute values are not very informative, which makes them bad KPIs. But the usage of metrics is contextual. This is a tool for community managers and having an overview of community members is important. #outono
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Started building a custom dashboard for #outono. Might be a bit too early but I HAD to try Shadcn charts ✨ Usually, PostHog by itself is good enough for understanding and visualising user behaviour, but when we're building a tool to enable others to make decisions, it's nice to have the added layer of customisation!
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Ship it #startupjobspt
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Establish channel partnership with all major incubators, vcs and accelerators in lisbon #startupjobspt
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Get 5 first companies to post a job #startupjobspt
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