Similar todos
Reduce SQL queries on initial app load for #booklet
Rewrite all .php with using PDO #improve
refactor to reduce to SQL load #vietnamdevs
started refactor of update logic #poddapp
🚜 refactored core events and place scraper to be in its own core app
Refactor core data code to a better structured controller and simply a lot of app as a result #checkyourlist
Github Copilot giving completion on completely wrong ORM #life
🚜 reworks schemas #lfk
Implement major code overhaul, cleanup and better database integration for methods data #incomerankings
add database querying layer to application
solved the SQL query for sorting by scores 2 associations away (too much ORM heaven made me forget how to do joins, aggregations, subqueries) #smumods
deploy core data model #photoroute
Grinding through more CRUD #thepaulhlife
Get side tracked looking into EdgeDB instead of Prisma for #memostash - Avoiding SQL so I dont drop tables in production
refactor backend to use sequelize #adultify