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work on event scheduling #renzi
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procrastinate, create fun stuff #devjourney
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improve event creation flow #june
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procrastinate on developing by tweaking the animation waves in the fucking header 😅 #joblist
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Trying to launch, but keep realizing things I need to add/change before it gets 10x harder after launch. It's procrastination in disguise #pingbot
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stop myself from over-engineering things too early #httpscop
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work on steps for event. creation #june
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fix first step in event creation flow to be more user friendly #june
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- finish figuring out part 1 of pyeventsourcing tutorial in a procedural sense ✅ #edaddd
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implement adding custom events #painlesstracker
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🎨 more event form updates (spacing is much better) #conf
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procrastinating because without WIP working to log tasks is there even a point in doing things? 😅
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create events page hofdael #consultancy
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procrastinate #life
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Create all tasks left for using the first version of #events #simpleanalytics
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doing the simplest thing and than the next simplest thing. experimenting whether this gets momentum going #ing #ekh
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✏ more work on new scraper to get more events #conf
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adding events to #mapmelon
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Add more events to #femake
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fix stying around full day events
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