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add name to user #checkoutpage
fix bug where window.user_id isn't set yet for new signups #expensivechat
Fix masquerading of users without a username #wip
add use userId instead of username
#slackdiscord Fix username issues
#slackdiscord If we don't find a user in the users database (for whatever reason that may be) transfer their message with the provided avatar/username from Slack/Discord so that we don't end up with ugly webhook usernames that look like the world is ending
Fix annoying bug about where .userActivity() has to be located #checkyourlist
set up user flow to work (without design)
Fixed the no such user crash, redirect to 404 instead #indielog
Allow user to update name #orchetta
rename user client to player
add support for new stream #radionula
Fixing a user reported bug in #mapmelon
prevent /refresh from changing user's first/last name, if a name is already set #wip
create db user on initial TG interaction #foodstream
Store user id as a string #ilend