Similar todos
show pending todo’s on profile pages. #wip
Show everything from profile page on homepage when logged in.
Show the login button on the homepage if the user is already logged in #mentalmodelsaicoach
Redirect signed in users directly to dashboard when visiting homepage h/t @jelmerdeboer #image
allow guests to see todo permalinks #wip
Add setting ( ) to hide your profile activity from non-members #wip (Please note it's fully implemented yet so your todos/etc might still show up in certain places!)
show login modal on bookmark button clicked with user info null #workpanel
show recent questions on #wip homepage (experiment)
logged in user nav #prototypecards
#postcard now shows latest post on the homepage
show menu always when logged in #serverlessreact
Fix last todo when displaying profile #wipcli
Show todos from logged in user (instead of hardcoding mine like it was before) #wip