Similar todos
more docker deploy work #conf
ansible docker deploy
more caching changes to my docker + github actions setup #conf
add docker-compose for development #sparkbase
🔨 working on docker performance tasks on my hosting setup #mylife
🤖 more sweep work and I optimized the Dockerfile to use a RUN cache
fix docker caching #bleakio
fixed docker config.json file on remote server to pull images correctly
✏ updated gitlab-ci.yml to cache better and build our main docker image #conf
build docker containers and ship them
work on docker deployment #labs
Redo GitHub Action workflow to build and deploy app, now with proper Docker caching to hopefully speed up deploys #wip
Dockerize app in preparation to move to self-hosting and notice builds are slow as hell because QEMU is being used to translate machine code from x86_64 (GH actions) -> arm64 (my server). Thought of a solution to speed this up, implementing now #unblockdomains !private