Similar todos
fix deploys by downgrading bundler #tweetphoto
created basic Rails setup for #drawcolors on heroku
setup on heroku #onebookclub
fix heroku deploy #findyourcto
Successfully deploy to heroku #auto
Fix heroku build issue on production #nivoda
heroku create retrofeed #rfme
upgrade to heroku-18 stack #wip
Upgrade bundler version
Downgrade to Ruby 3.1.2 and Rails #prompthero
run heroku-postbuild #cannaboard
fix staticfiles bug on heroku #codercestcool
Finish ruby legacy update to Heroku stack 20 (22 was too much) with postgres, files on s3 and things are good to go again
jb: deploy to heroku
Upgrade to heroku-20 stack #wip
Upgrade to heroku-20 stack #betalist
shutting down heroku. #cyberjobs