Similar todos
Create and mark todo as done in #wipfred
allow todo’s to be marked as ‘undone’ (in case of accidentally marking it as done) #wip
mark items on project finish list complete #ekh
finalise projects UI #spectate
as a user I can mark an item as done so I can see it was finished #weekon
Test edit UI to determine done-ness #lifesheet
👨💻 check and unchecked done
Make Pending & Done Checkmarks work #wipdesktop
fix “pending todo’s” for @daniellockyer #wip
working on UI for #cloudzen
make minor changes to UI and fix some empty states #spectate
Refactor wipfred commdans. "wip done" to create and mark as done, "wip todo" to create a new pending todo, "wip find" to search pending todos and select one to be marked as done. #wipfred
mark a task complete through API #makergoalbot