Similar todos
Implement sending issues in batches of 1000 to subscribers #newsletty
Send first issue on newsletter #highscoredomains
fix issue with mailgun support #fullstackjob
Adding mailgun subscribe #auto
Send newsletter issue #clippulse
fix issue with newsletters not sending to subscribers #projects
task to run through subscribers #misc
Email automation. Emails Mailgun automation lists #sheet2site
added mailgun api #freelancegig
Write and send newsletter issue #clippulse
Write newsletter issue
Implement primitive newsletter stats: subscribes, unsubscribes, and scheduled issues #newsletty
#sheet2site emails. make a function send_mailgun_bulk() thanks @marckohlbrugge, @tuacker
Send an email to subsribers #domainwatchman
Send email to #nhubb subscribers
Implement job to clear out Mailgun suppression lists on spam/bounce events #newsletty
process newsletter subscriptions server-side and send to MailChimp with API so I have more control over them #betalist
Identify issue with subscriber count API endpoint #caravi