Similar todos
calculate the taxes I need to pay for my additional side-income so I can put it aside and not spend it already 😅
figure out how much credit card I can pay off without violating accounting guardrails
cut up revenue into paying off CC and set aside for taxes
shuffle money around coz I been spending too much on the biz and it hasn’t been working 😅
fill out PPP form
calculate I don’t qualify for ppp2 by 0.4% 💩
transfer from profit to taxes coz I was $2k short for scheduled payments 😬
open account for ppp moneys to ease tracking
do half my taxes
pesky finance stuff/reimbursements #laif
do my taxes! 😂
apply for ppp forgiveness
pay bils and solve lots of minor bureucratic stuff #survivor
💸 worked on my taxes so I can turn everything into my accountant on Monday #mylife
#contracting Figure out whether I can pre-pay social insurance lump sum
do half my taxes stuff
get approved for ppp
map out payment plans for #wds