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connect Fourthwall API & generate 3d virtual store from products #mused #3dmystore [embedded iframe + unreal pixelstreaming]
Share registration form for our first webinar about #augmentedreality in French
technology radar webinar attended #life
make landing page for Fourthwall shop to generative virtual 3d store product @ #3dmystore
Prepare for today's webinar with ShapesXR
watching Mark Zuckerberg interview on Creators, AI Studio, Neural Wristbands & Holographic Smart Glasses
Draft article about VR/AR
write newsletter w/tomb and new system for building virtual tours w/360 video #mused #spaceshare
launch & email the ancient assyria dual AR & VR tour with Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East #mused…
3d Meeting
Watch WWDC Spatial Computing Videos #learn
Advertise "Notion for startups" webinar #optemization
webinar promo #intenta
process a 360 video + lidar scan combined of my friends art installation into a virtual tour #spaceshare
write post about last night's webinar #blog2
Write a new blog post "How can AR brings more in store trafic?" ✍️…
Attend AI meetup, do a mini demo #veda
attended Nomad Capitalist Webinar #moroccohomelist