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Added yearly to pricing plan in #builderbelt
Start defining pricing plans #useattractor
reduction of the free plan, to push to sell the pro plan #socialsellingai
Add ability to give for free a premium plan #welina
added pricing page for the new unlimited plan
fixed pricing plan page to be more specific about subscription period #pbn
Simplify pricing into 2 plans and give people more features for less $ #simpleotp
add support for active/inactive plans so I can change prices for new members only #wip
Announce #writeas yearly Pro plan price change…
Make the product free and remove the pricing plan #usepopups
Changed Plans and Pricing #mindwave
Allow paying users on the BASIC plan to upgrade to the PRO plan by modifying the existing subscription #marcbot (before, it would create a second subscription instead)
announce free plan #spectate
Changed pricing, added Lifetime & Quarterly plans. #nutrichat
release new pricing & plans #mindwave
affordable pricing plans #scoredetect
New version of #swimminglane is up with the new pricing system: free to figure out the product, lifetime plan if you like it. KISS