Similar todos
Post April sponsored slots that have been sold out #jobboardsearch
queued up sponsors for the next couple months #huntedspace
fill sponsor spots for the month #sunday
available sponsorship and product feature slot sections #bootstrapmoney
add sponsor slot #pixelfika
schedule next week’s sponsor #betalist
self-serve sponsorships - buy slot on calender, automatically places at the booked date #prototypr
August sponsorships kicking in #jobboardsearch
Set up sponsorships for the week #ss
Put online October sponsors #jobboardsearch
sold 4500$ sponsor package for client #sponsorgap premium
finished scheduling #djangonews sponsorship for April
sell first big sponsorship package for 1 month #madewithvuejs
expanding sponsor schedule for #djangonews
Add more months to sponsored slots #jobboardsearch
Put online January sponsors #jobboardsearch
filled out sponsors for #djangonews through November
Secured an ad sponsorship slot for #screenshotone.
Sold Broze sponsored slot for 3 months to 4dayweek job board #jobboardsearch