Similar todos
Create a docker compose cluster for Redis and the GraphQL server #downtotalk
connect PostgresQL db to GraphQL Server via PRISMA #cannaboard
creating a dev env ec2 instance and deploying prisma and postgres to it #downtotalk
set up graphql-yoga server and bind it to prisma db
establish host for prisma docker container #cannaboard
set up prisma DB
Setup basic files for graphql and prisma #unnam
setup graphql server #collagram
connect up graphql to postgres #newshiny
published postgres with self-signed ssl docker image
fill datamodel.graphql in prisma server with data from original schema #cannaboard
🐳 refactored docker compose files to pin to latest postgres and redis versions #conf
#redacted Docker Compose all nice and running. Django + Redis + Postgres (pgAdmin+pghero) + Celery (Beat + Flower). For Frontend have Vite+React in a solid starting position.
deploy Prisma database
write docker compose config and deploy api #bootstrapmoney
install prisma and configure it in the server application #cannaboard
Setup GraphQL API with auth. (Yay Prisma!) #appointer
add prisma.js file to src foolder in prisma-server folder: (where we store everything required to connect our node.js to the prisma graphqlQl API) #cannaboard
try to set up new db table and get confused with how we're holding Prisma in this project #aiplay