Similar todos
set up prisma DB
found a way to rename a db table without data loss in prisma #stageprompter
work on prisma schema #stageprompter
setting db, schema, prisma, data explorer, etc. All working now #tioticket
deploy Prisma database
Get side tracked looking into EdgeDB instead of Prisma for #memostash - Avoiding SQL so I dont drop tables in production
Setup basic files for graphql and prisma #unnam
create new db + tables
set up graphql-yoga server and bind it to prisma db
Setup Prisma, because I heard GraphQL is cool and I wanna try #minizen
connect PostgresQL db to GraphQL Server via PRISMA #cannaboard
#pintura write complex prisma query
install prisma and configure it in the server application #cannaboard
Setup new db tables #coworkies
fill datamodel.graphql in prisma server with data from original schema #cannaboard