Similar todos
connect PostgresQL db to GraphQL Server via PRISMA #cannaboard
setup graphql server #collagram
Setup basic files for graphql and prisma #unnam
Finish the intro to graphql-yoga
set up prisma DB
fill datamodel.graphql in prisma server with data from original schema #cannaboard
configure prisma-bindings to read and write from to the server itself: npm install prisma-binding@latest #backend #cannaboard
setup boilerplate for graphql backerd
#rockkick setup graphql endpoint
play around with graphql
setup basic apollo graphql server for #there
setup now + graphql for the main app #support
Write schema of graphql server #devhub
start to setup schema and graphql resolvers #casters
Setup GraphQL API with auth. (Yay Prisma!) #appointer
install prisma and configure it in the server application #cannaboard
reset graphql schema #thrust
setup graphql schema for #fixlog