Similar todos
set up prisma DB
install prisma and configure it in the server application #cannaboard
creating a dev env ec2 instance and deploying prisma and postgres to it #downtotalk
work on prisma schema #stageprompter
Completed Prisma to Drizzle migration #imagineqr
Prepare PR database #melies
try to set up new db table and get confused with how we're holding Prisma in this project #aiplay
connect PostgresQL db to GraphQL Server via PRISMA #cannaboard
setting db, schema, prisma, data explorer, etc. All working now #tioticket
Started Migrating from Prisma to Drizzle #imagineqr
Removed some deprecated Prisma models from #mapmelon production database
Setup basic files for graphql and prisma #unnam
import prisma in context for job query #cannaboard
provide prisma secret to block db from unauthorized clients #cannaboard