Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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add Artifical Intelligence to #remoteok tags
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fix schema issues trailing comma #remoteok
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fix auto bump refund had empty ?hash= on confirm link #remoteok
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fix languages set in not English names #remoteok
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get back to $75,000/mo on #remoteok after downfall to $50,000/mo #remoteok
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fix auto bump after update card does not work because it uses Stripe’s payment_intent_id, but after updating card we only get a setup_intent_id which cannot be used to charge, we then need to charge the Stripe customer object like in the past (???) #remoteok
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fix edit job hash not works for old jobs in AJAX edit_hash #remoteok
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fix overflow-x scroll width issues on mobile profile #remoteok
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make [ Add tag… ] colors proper in dark mode #remoteok
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style insert edit link in dark mode #remoteok
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fix dark mode for TinyMCE and make remoteok-dark skin #remoteok
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try out auto writing job post with AI #remoteok
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fix discount not working on /pay-later link because it checked for $_GET[‘discount_code’] but the code was sent via POST and already put in $discount var by other init code #remoteok
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fix edit_hash was wrong in email #remoteok
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make all 10 tags show on expanding job but only 3 if not expanded #remoteok
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fix bug that kept some jobs open that should be closed because auto_bump=0 did not catch =NULL values so now we do (auto_bump IS 0 OR auto_bump IS NULL) #remoteok autoCloseJobs.php
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increase margin #remoteok to 96% for recession proof
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change new job edit hash to be random md5 for security #remoteok
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replace md5() edit_hash in all code parts to use the DB $job[‘edit_hash’] #remoteok
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add edit_hash to all job INSERTs so we can switch from md5() edit_hash’s to random edit_hash’s for safety #remoteok
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