Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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add Pay Later option for bundles too because companies can’t get approval fast enough for a big payment e.g. $30,000, then the price changes or the Stripe link expires #remoteok
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get DDOS’d again #remoteok
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add error message if invalid email when admin makes discount codes #remoteok
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find out Automattic removed all hiring links and stopped hiring immediately because my #remoteok scraper started failing
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add server side tracking to #remoteok API with Simple Analytics
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limit #remoteok worker profile pages from showing 500 to showing max 25 if not logged in
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add rate limiting #remoteok to avoid DDOS
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block entire OVH IP block cause DDOS origins #remoteok
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block entire Hetzner IP block cause always fuckery #remoteok
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get DDOS'd too #remoteok
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add [ 🥸 Pseudonymous ] benefit for #remoteok hiring anon people
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fix cannot close job due to bug from switching to random edit hashes #remoteok
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test AI app to write emails for my customer support agent to save her time #remoteok #nomads
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make scrollbar colors in dark mode consistent #remoteok take from Interior AI
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fix Uptimerobot alerts didn’t send to Telegram sometimes because their API has pagination limit of 50 now so we need to paginate through cause we have 92 alerts #remoteok
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add State of Remote Work survey banner to #remoteok
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redirect customer to job post edit page with invoice list in case of mismatching Stripe Checkout Session ID in /invoice URL due to old invoice URLs when we used that #remoteok
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fix discount code is a hash set by week, but the job was created yesterday and now it’s Monday so new week, so their pay later discount code doesn’t work, fix by also checking for last week’s discount code (date(‘W’)-1) #remoteok
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add exchange rate cacher to /buy-bundle page because it goes over limit if people DDOS it #remoteok
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add salary to job post emails (thx @AndreyAzimov for tip) #remoteok
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