Marc's Life
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See my pottery glazed #life
Find out I was airdropped over $2,000 in $BONK (??) #life
Buy another PROOF pass because yolo #life
Meet with @itsameandrea yesterday and geek out on Ruby on Rails 😄 #life
Block Microsoft from sending me emails, because they keep sending emails even after I removed the email address from my account #life
Get quoted in's viral blog post about Mark Zuckerberg… #life
Delete Telegram folders yo simplify as I get less DMs now that I closed things off #life
Attend DHH's Campfire code walkthrough #life
Go to dentist and hear lots of construction noise (jackhammer etc?) from floor upstairs 😂 #life
Do health screening and find out I’m even more healthy than 1.5 years ago #life
Set up Stripe quicklinks in Raycast so I can easily search my Stripe accounts #life
Set up a bunch of shortcuts with Raycast and Hyperkey so I can type for example capslock+T to open Telegram, capslock+W for WIP, capslock+A for GPT-4 window, etc #life
Reinstall most of my macOS apps #life
Reinstall macOS on new volume and Mac feels like new ✨ #life
Realize I have a folder with 300,000+ files in a flat hierarchy which macOS Finder might not like #life
Bypass stupid hotel wifi speed limit by removing the Ethernet cable from the TV and plugging it into my travel router #life
Create new macOS user account, because the last one somehow broke #life