Domain Name Book
Send introduction chapter to customers #domainbook
Send much-needed status update to customers #domainbook
Procastinate on writing by designing a book cover inspired by "Don't make me think" #domainbook
Start beta-reading on #domainbook
Redirect to Twitter post #domainbook
Copy manuscript over to Google Doc so I can start sharing it with people soon #domainbook
Finish reading Write Useful Books instead of writing a useful book #domainbook
Promote book with viral tweet #domainbook…
Finish first super rough draft of book #domainbook
Send update email #domainbook
Get Buttondown subscription unlocked #domainbook
Upgrade Buttondown subscription to activate Zapier/API integration #domainbook
Write update email (waiting for Buttondown to unlock my account so I can send it) #domainbook
Set up Zapier trigger to add new Stripe customers to mailing list #domainbook
Finalize outline #domainbook
Set up Buttondown email list for customers #domainbook
Send email to all pre-order customers asking which questions they'd like to see answered #domainbook
Get first 20 sales #domainbook