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check weekly emails #life
know time by seeing QR A350-1000 take off from DPS #life
do nap because don’t feel well #life
clear inbox #life
talk to chatgpt about crop yields in geodesic domes #life
meditate 15 mins… #life
meditate 10 mins… #life
tweet about using hilton day stay as best remote office option #life
get book by arie from arie #life
do taxes Q4 #life
drink tea with friend #life
meditate 10 mins… #life
change health insurance to get some physiotherapy sessions #life
plot sleep duration chart of 2023 #life
make oliebollen #life
pitch podcast idea to insta followers and ask which destinations they want to have covered #life
check if any puzzle pieces are missing #life
try generate luggage tags for airport codes #life
cook and eat xmas eve dinner #life