
Which topics for hangout?

We’re going to try something new. Have a specific topic for some of our weekly hangouts. 

Which topics would you like to discuss?

We might try and invite an expert to answer your questions.

Thanks @ben for the suggestion!

Thanks Marc! Suggestions for topics in no particular order:
- Google Ads
- X Ads
- Trademark law

  • Grow hacks
  • Conversion hacks
  • Marketing strategies
  • Taxes hacks (Create LLC?)
  • Accounting/Bookkeeping
  • Marketing fundamentals
  • SEO

@marc Maybe worth making a poll before the hangouts with a link to vote?

This post is kinda meant for that. We can see most popular topics and kinda schedule those in ahead of time so people can plan to attend.

Thanks @marc

· Where to launch your products at online
· Where to find your 1-5 customers online
· How to quickly build a no-code mvp
· How to make your first $1000 a month

@marc Once a topic is selected, can we get a notification via email or wipbot about the event and a link to RSVP? Feels like that would bring more people to the hangout.