
What topic do you want to discuss with/ask the community? [WIP Voice Chat]

We're back doing the weekly voice chats on Telegram! Every Friday 16:00 CEST (check meetups for Timezones)

If you're unfamiliar with the Voice Chat; they're WIP getogether where I (@rpish) host a community conversation. 
Sometimes we pick a topic, and other times we just chat about what we're working on.

We're planning to schedule in a few topics ahead of time so you can anticipate them.But before we plan these, we'd like to know which topics you'd like to discuss?

Please share them below. Post a separate comment for each topic idea, so people can easily vote on their favorites. Also make sure to check out what other people suggest, and vote on those.

Shipping instead of obsessing over tools

Essential non-coding skills to have for a developer

Getting started with public speaking at meetups/conferences

Marketing ideas you can implement right now

How to validate an idea without an existing network (Big amount of social media followers, or newsletter subscribers, B2B contacts, etc)

How to get your first 1000 users before launching a product

What things to keep in mind while planning your app? Features, UI, user flow, user experience, metrics to track, pre-launch tasks, and so on.
Things that we should do BEFORE we start building our app.
