
How do you feel after using creatine?

Recently see the trend about using creatine for gymers - from levelsio ofc.

I only use Whey protein until now so I wonder if anyone use creatine and feel better or any great result.

And please suggest some brand, great products.

Interested in answers too. I never used creatine.

I use creatine since about 2 years, it's one of the most researched supplements.
I don't cycle I just do 5g a day, did a blood test last year all good.
I notice the effect being more power during training and less muscle fatigue.

Here's the only video you need on creatine…

Here's the product I buy, just make sure it's creatine monohydrate (no other stuff aded) and you are good to go…

I feel the difference while lifting. I can do more reps, more easily.

I don't really feel any of the reported mental effects.

Cool! Now I can confident on using it.

I think I can lift more weight, but it might be a placebo effect. It's not a gamechanger.
I also feel like I recover faster.
No noticeable mental effects. But that might be because I have sleep issues.
I'm just taking it because everyone says it's good, and it improves my shape (water gets retained between your muscles) .
I've been taking 3g daily for a few years.

I've been taking this for 20+ years and helps to be stronger in the gym and have slightly better results. It tastes like nothing and there are no very special effects. Just a minor supplement you can take that actually works.

Just take the cheapest creatine monohydrate because it's the same as the more expensive one. Loading/cycling is not needed.

Some nice sources:… and…

Been using it for almost 10 years I think. Can't say I notice any effects. Not even improved strength. But there's too many other variables to make a good comparison and so I just trust the science and people who are more aware of these types of effects.

anything you read about fancy formulas (ether esters, etc.) is mostly marketing. monohydrate is where its at -- creapure is the gold standard here. its licensed and in many different brands.

the effects are not mind-bending and its certainly not like taking exogenous hormones. but! it will improve strength and capacity at the margin for super short duration, high power output activities (eg. lifting, sprinting <100m).

source: have taken creatine almost daily for 15+ years (zero side effects) and coached athletes at the local national, and international level in olympic weightlifting.

I had been lifting for several years before I started using it and I noticed it had a minor-but-noticeable effect on my ability to lift; I could get maybe 1-2 more reps and maybe go up in weight a little bit. I think it may have also made me look a little bigger than before. So it's a very minor effect compared to the difference you'll see from actually starting to track your calories and go to the gym. But it's better than not having it.

idk, i took it before because it came together with the whey protein that i ordered. they said it helps you to push more with the weights and all that. this was years ago, and i stopped going to the gym and start running🏃‍♂️💨 instead.

I was on it for 5+ years then stopped but I did not see any loss in strength. I found that I also stopped taking caffeine, and instead prioritised deep rested sleep. My gains have improved massively with added "volume" in reps/weight per week. I agree with @murph that it helps power movements. I may consider taking 5g daily again to improve brain function and cognitive performance.

I have been using it for one week now (5g daily). Two friends of mine, who started using it before me, have reported noticeable changes in muscle size and energy during workouts.

Been using creatine for the last 3 weeks, never used it before. I notice improved strength when lifting, and energy levels are better in general. I did notice the weight gain due to holding more water tho.