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Add a retry mechanism to prevent false negative results. #kitdomains
Found out that Product Hunt does not give you a backlink until your product receives some reviews. #kitdomains
Share the link to my first interview on X. #kitdomains…
Add a second tool.
It allows you to look up known associated subdomains by domain. #notboringtools…
Add a link to X so people know their hero 🦸 😅 #notboringtools
Finish first tool #notboringtools
"Stripe makes it so hard to figure out which countries your money comes from, so I fixed it."
Deal with Stripe Api and payments that were not converted to the account's main currency. #notboringtools
Change info to display. Revenue instead of subscriptions count.
- disclaimer
- 'Create Stripe Api Key' deeplink.
- 'Download CSV' button with customer_id, email, country_code data.
First tool. Stripe does not provide information about income by country. #notboringtools
Made MVP for this.
Find my unused domain and make a list of ideas to build on. #notboringtools
Wrap domain expiration days in an 'Error badge'
if leftDays <= 30 #kitdomains
Setup Ghost blog #kitdomains