I've sold such a product, but I didn't bundle ffmpeg with it. I just put it in the prereqs with the version number the app needed. Have the app have a binary path config setting.
If you need to compile its sources or link statically to it, that can also be done - but there are gotchas. More details on that here: www.ffmpeg.org/legal.html
Have you thought about not using the X interface to post? I send most of my tweets via Typefully, and only browse X when I need the distraction.
I don't think there's a perfect split, as it depends on a ton of things: what the app is, is it mvp, what's your market and can marketing be automated, etc.
For me, some weeks/months tilt most to building, while others tilt to marketing. In any case, once a product reaches some kind of PMF, I try and do 80/20 on marketing/building.
Not personally, but I've been seeing horror stories about LS all over twitter. Completed payments get lost (no webhook, no transaction history), customer support disappearing for weeks, MMR charts being wrong, and more. I often wonder how they're still in business, but then again they are the most expensive in the MoR provider segment. 😅
Uh, that's tough. When was the last time you heard about such things? I wonder if it's still happening or if they have fixed it already.
Cash flow always. But also the cash flow and revenue difference.
$1M ARR in revenue is fun and you can post awesome screenshots on twitter, but it doesn't mean anything if you're left with just 1-5% of that in profit.
Too little margin also tells you the product is too expensive to run, or if people are not willing to pay enough for it to make it sustainable.
nope, same rage of a 1000 suns here too!
I actively avoid products that only have a magic link. 🙃
I've done analytics a few times and a few different ways. The best way to pass the review process is to use GA. The most agonizing way to pass the review process is to use something like Plausible. Google didn't understand it, I had to explain multiple times that "it's like GA but better".
But, it's good they take pause when an extension wants to do external network calls. Just be ready to defend them.
If you're going with GA, there's a really good implementation doc: developer.chrome.com/docs/ext…
Cool thanks for the link. Do you think adding analytics affects users? EG are there extra permissions they need to accept?
simple: PH curates the leaderboards, it's not just about votes & comments.
I've, and many with me, stopped caring about PH a long time ago because of this.
This was an unforgettable experience for me! you are so right!