
Analytics in a Chrome Extension?

I've launched a Chrome extension. I've got users but no analytics. 

I now want to make quite a big change and I don't know if it will annoy users as I don't know how (or even if) they're using it. 

Has anyone added analytics to a Chrome Extension? I could figure out the technical side but I'm not sure if it changes the Google Web Store application? 

I've done analytics a few times and a few different ways. The best way to pass the review process is to use GA. The most agonizing way to pass the review process is to use something like Plausible. Google didn't understand it, I had to explain multiple times that "it's like GA but better".

But, it's good they take pause when an extension wants to do external network calls. Just be ready to defend them.

If you're going with GA, there's a really good implementation doc:…

Cool thanks for the link. Do you think adding analytics affects users? EG are there extra permissions they need to accept?

I guess it’s best to stick to Google’s own products or any of the other big boys. Smaller solutions that are unknown might be a red flag by default