vijay verma

vijay verma


A wizard ✦ love code + design ✦ making tools and resources ✦ building games ✦, ✦ Need design?
Joined April 2023

This is so cool. Thanks for Wrapped 🚀
Monthly wrapped would be great idea. Also, Wonder we can save yearly one as PDF or something

Update: Thank you guys for suggestions. I switched to Cloudflare and it's almost 1 month. Also, added gumroad link as fallback and it generated some revenue as well. Here short story

Thanks Evhen!

Yeah that's the plan. Will test both R2 and digital ocean once v2 release. Currently moved to R2 as Martijn suggested.

I check sometime but I have my own repository saved on notion :)

I save mine in an Obsidian note

I'm planning to try Obsidian as the main note taking app. I tried everything except that one 😅 Are there any downsides about it you can tell?

Didn't know about it! Looking great. Thanks Vijay!

Thanks Jeff for explaining in deatils.
I'll look to amazon s3 again. Setting this feel too complex :)

Thanks, I'll check cloud flare.
But, my 3d render files is around 4 gb+. Github will allow to use it with heavy traffic and bandwidth?

I think Git LFS maxes out at 1GB (or 2GB) so 4 GB is going to be too much. Packing is a little different because I have some 6GB and 8GB Docker images in their packaging product, but that is probably more hoops to jump through.

Amazon's S3 might be a good cheaper solution or even Backblazes bulk object storage product. I think it's $5 or $10 a month and would more than cover your files sizes + quoted downloads.

Thanks Jeff for explaining in deatils.
I'll look to amazon s3 again. Setting this feel too complex :)

Was about to suggest S3 as @jefftriplett did. Also take a look at Cloudflare R2 - zero egress charges last I checked.


Currently, using Convertkit for email newsletter with 3K subscribers

And for annoucement-
I also discovered that Gumroad offers a free newsletter service for product announcements. It can be triggered upon a purchase or used for broadcasting updates. A funny incident occurred while I was testing it – I accidentally sent a test message to all 35K users, and now I'm receiving messages from them asking what they purchased! 😛
Total opening rate in 1 hours was 20% of 31K delivered messages.

Look at you figuring out solutions! 🙌🏼 Way to capture attention!
