Luke Stephens

Luke Stephens


I quit my job in May 2021 for more freedom 🏔. Now indie hacking and running my own cybersecurity consultancy
Joined February 2022

GitHub is just about to release a more enhanced code search which will probably mean that your solution won't get used unfortunately.

Here's a video outlining the new GitHub search features.…

Hey! It sounds cool but I read the whole front page and I still don't really know what it does. I'd breakdown exactly what the app does and how it does it.

Suggestion for a one-line pitch: "Gamify your goals."

From a sales standpoint - there's plenty of research you could lean into that links gamification to higher completion rates due to the dopamine hits that gamification provides.

I like this - but I need some more detail about how it actually works at a logistics level.


  1. Org advertises jobs that they need done and pays a holding retainer
  2. Dev signs up and applies for job
  3. Org picks a dev to perform the work
  4. Work is completed by the dev
  5. Org agrees that work is completed
  6. releases the payment

I don't know if that's actually how it works - but you get the idea. I want to know the process.

Looks 🔥! I can see that you've taken some design tips from @levelsio

Too much text - I would not read this beyond the first paragraph.

- splitting up chunks of text with dot points and separate headings
- Add emojis
- Dot points are too wordy - for example instead of "Get a shout-out on our Twitter account to over 7,000 developers" you could write "📣 Twitter shoutout to 7k devs" and "The majority of our audience is based in the US and the UK" could be replaced with "87% US and UK users"
- Testimonial(s) under a separate heading