Imran Khan
Crossed 200 user signups on yesterday. This project is slowly but steadily growing on all fronts. Back to building!
In the last 48 hours, about 130 people signed up on https://AiVideo.To. But none of them subscribed. πŸ€• I wondered why. I thought price was the issue so I doubled the usage quota on all plans and sent a free video gift email to all singups. Just an hour ago I realized there was a bug that failed...
So, I got 31 signups for while I was asleep. But none of them made it past the subscription paywall. What I know from this is some of my efforts brought some traffic to my website. Then the website copy was good enough to make them sign up. After signup, they hit the paywall a...
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I want to set up a referral program for Payments are with Stripe. Have you ever used any yourself? How was your experience? Basically I'm looking for something that comes out of the box and doesn't require much coding.
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Let's say I am trying to rank for a certain keyword. And the KD is 4. So I need to include keywords on this page and get referred by at least 4 domains. So do the referring domains need to backlink with the same keyword as anchor text or links with any anchor text will do?
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Mainly looking to do Keyword Research and Rank Tracking. I have never done this before so not sure if it'd be enough. Do the below limits hold value?
I am building and I need to generate multiple images for each video. I have tried dalle-3 and stability AI stable diffusion models. However, despite any prompts and instructions, there are some image that have text on them and incorrect at that. Do you know about any AI image API that...
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Hi Folks! I am building #aivideoΒ  which allows you to create short AI videos within 1 minute on any topic. To improve my conversions I need your help with my copy. Please help me understand 1. Demos: Do the demos make sense and convey the value of the platform? 2. Landing Page: Is it clear and...
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