
Roast my AI Video Landing Page πŸ™

Hi Folks!

I am building #aivideo Β  which allows you to create short AI videos within 1 minute on any topic.

To improve my conversions I need your help with my copy. Please help me understand

1. Demos: Do the demos make sense and convey the value of the platform?
2. Landing Page: Is it clear and easy to find relevant info when you land?
3. Navigation: Does the site navigation offer good UX?
4. Messaging: Is the positioning and offering clear and appealing?

  • Size of Key Features cards is off.
  • The whole style feels cheap, probably the color choice and images.
  • Certain sections (ie, hero, faq, header) got a max width but not others, the contrast on bigger screen feels weird.

Thanks for the roast.

  • I gave every section a max width. does it look fine now or is it better to not give any section maxwidth and be full width?
  • fixed card size
  • maybe my color taste is not so good. Can you pls suggest a good color pallette?
  • I'll try to find/create better images.