Edwin Klesman
It sounds cheesy, but it's about 80/20... if you can achieve 80% of what you want to gain (more traction, more paying users, more happy users, ..) with implementing something then that should give you direction.
Find out if there is a need for a feature and check if people would want to put down cash for it. If not, wait until a larger userbase is present else give it a shot.
Morning is a state on a seperate thread. Since you're not awaiting that thread and keep on processing you are independent, but the morning state DOES, in fact, still remain valid. 👨🏫
Auth0 also has a nice assessment tool:
And this piece - although for the financial market - has some great examples and info on the matter:
There is not a single place that has THE definition though..
I setup Google analytics for the basics just like you. Recently heard an Indiehacker podcast episode (#11 I think) that suggests using the google console to do some real SEO stuff to increase your organic traffic.
Personally, I also use Hotjar.com. They track stuff, let you create hotspot maps of pages and records people's interaction. Something much more useful to tweak your website and check what works / fails.
updated the link to another one of MS.. cheers
That Random Tech Stories Show
Sounds legit 😁 - but maybe something shorter.
If what you're asking is "can I use interpolation to build up a variable name?" then the answer is no... but you can use placeholders to do something similar. Check out this small post: krasimirtsonev.com/blog/artic…
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