David Furlong

David Furlong


🤔 learning/devtools/productivity products. Can offer help with: Coding/JS/CSS. Could use with help with: finding customers, building an audience 😅
Joined October 2020
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Whether the value proposition and how to use the app is clear on the homepage


If you would use the app

I'm not a target customer I believe

What other improvements you would like to see

Small points:
The background is very distracting whilst reading I'd recommend not changing it like this
The homepage is missing a title attribute
The Login button should probably be Sign up instead, this is a common pattern to target new users primarily as their intent is lower

I'm a big fan of the gradient text and the name :)

Interesting! I think or Die is a bit extreme but it also draws attention.

Post or Pay has that wonderful alliteration P-P. Maybe theres a third option & words that come to mind: 'Wager', 'Stake', 'Lose' but these probably don't fit your 'Or' format well. I feel like Im not helping so I'll stop. Maybe 'Publish or Pay'?

You're helping!
I've asked in various forums and it seems like most bloggers do like a lot the P-P alliteration of Post or Pay. I will go on with this name for now, I hope to have a bit of press attention by the time New Year resolutions hit :) (which is often the best time of the year for products like this).
Thanks for the input!

Ah yes that makes sense. Good luck with it Aleix :)

I would like to receive feedback on:
- Value proposition. Is it clear?
- Copywriting
I think its quite strong. Curious whether "Purchase now" is considered the go to pricing page cta (I don't know)
- Anything that comes to mind rly 😀
Product seems safe, solid and stable in the page design which is probably what your customers are looking for so I think its a good fit

Would not recommend sendgrid.

a tool to get emails from my users

Do you mean to your users? I would recommend postmark or mailchimp depending on whether these emails are transactional or marketing

What does the product do?

integrates with your customer feedback data to generate insights

⬥ Does this pass the “I get it” test?


my 2 cents: Or Die is better than Or Pay. Nobody likes paying

That's what I thought! But then I asked bloggers in a few forums and almost everyone disliked any "-or Die" ending. They found it too aggressive.

Post or Pay turned out to be the most popular name. That said, that they like a name doesn't mean that it would be the most effective one, especially when it comes to catching their attention.

And now I'm wondering: True that nobody likes paying. But when paying is part of the value you offer (they pay if they fail, and that's the point of using the product), do you think it's still ineffective to have it in the name?

Interesting! I think or Die is a bit extreme but it also draws attention.

Post or Pay has that wonderful alliteration P-P. Maybe theres a third option & words that come to mind: 'Wager', 'Stake', 'Lose' but these probably don't fit your 'Or' format well. I feel like Im not helping so I'll stop. Maybe 'Publish or Pay'?

You're helping!
I've asked in various forums and it seems like most bloggers do like a lot the P-P alliteration of Post or Pay. I will go on with this name for now, I hope to have a bit of press attention by the time New Year resolutions hit :) (which is often the best time of the year for products like this).
Thanks for the input!

Ah yes that makes sense. Good luck with it Aleix :)

In order to add badges for social proof, do you reach out to these companies and ask for permission or did you say fuck it and added them once they used your app?

I think it depends if your company sales/signup is B2B or B2C (or low touch B2B). I think the prior you always make sure your contract with the company allows for it or you ask them. For low touch B2B/B2C I don't know but I would expect you can probably get away with adding them for social proof without asking and then removing them if that company requests it

I think looking at the affiliate systems of those two providers and my guess at the volume of demand for self hosting a scrimba alternative its unlikely to make a substantial amount of money. In my readings open source business models are usually around either providing enterprise support or enterprise closed source infrastructure/extensions to the open source package. I can imagine affiliate links working well if the volume of users is high, such as a popular library such as next.js - but that requires lots of developers to have a use case for the library/service