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practiced first script of my commercial demo reel but eventually stopped. Due to my pollen allergy my voice was too „nosy“ and I wasn’t able to change that. That’s an issue because I haven’t found a solution to it yet - without taking medicine. #stolenvoice
Quickly hack up a demo to show a professional #donoharm
Though I made a recording "for the trashcan" (cos I wasn't able to submit it) I still had more mic time in German which allowed me to practice more and maybe even get feedback for my VO delivery. #hip
Made a quick Demo video for #mistral…
Made demo video
prepare demo for feedback
Realized I was being too much of a perfectionist with my client-success videos so I recorded a quick-and-dirty version so I can start sending it out with my job applications:
send demo video #videoaime
send demo video #videoaime
confession time: wrote my 7-day revision of what I got done in terms of VO biz and VO art #stolenvoice
learned about the casting process and getting work as a VO, the preferance for custom demos or custom clips for the casting, and that success as a VO means to practice a lot (!) and learn tons. Did a light refreshment of a sound theory: e.g. difference of dynamic mics and condenser mics, sample rate, bit rate #stolenvoice
edited a part of a novella which I'll be voicing as a pro-bono assignment and gave feedback #stolenvoice
another extensive recording session on the mic recording a commercial script and my first reading-out loud session to start developing my hybrid voice (hybrid because I want to unite my writing and speaking voice to one) #stolenvoice #mictime
refined and finalized the last 4 commercial scripts. Finally I brought this to an end. According to my process rehearing is what’ll follow tomorrow (and audio recording them after). Wish me success! #stolenvoice
#chromegpt quick demo
I demonstrated to a personal trainer how he can use #speechzap to transform a short, chaotic audio recording into an Instagram reel script for promoting his services, and I found that one-on-one marketing provides excellent feedback.