Andrzej Winecki

Andrzej Winecki


I make web apps. Recently, deep into DevOps/SRE world. Looking for new ideas and inspiration ✨😎✨. Hit me up!
Joined July 2024
Sit down, reflect on Q3, and write action plan for Q4 🎯
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Create "coming soon…" landing page for a friend's new business 🆕 🌐
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Upgrade 2 databases and refactor Terraform modules. Ugh, HCL kinda sucks 😮‍💨
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Complete phase #1 of renovating apartment for rental (looots of cleaning & stuff) #life
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Escape to a random hotel to avoid going through a thunderstorm in a car (plan your trips better 🤦‍♂️) #life
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Fix Google indexing errors on blog (fixed trailingSlash routing and generated sitemap.xml in Astro) #make
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Migrate my ancient Neovim init.vim config to init.lua. Modular, clean, shiny, and fast (5ms start vs. 100ms++) 😌
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Try out @wipbot, yay 🤩
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