Similar todos
have a brainstorm and get feedback #nomadflights
get travel info from NomadList for #kipple
get a rough plan together #wi
Research and collecting info for one of the ideas
Started first steps of planning out next project, bookmark app idea #persoanl
Start mapping out features. #blot
Start a features list, and begin outlining specs #stronger
Came up with idea to do a special edition-book for Buenos Aires as digital nomad location. And did the whole plan of what topics and information I should collect during the coming trip there. Hoping to sell that idea to VisitBUE to sponsor it #nomadgossip
#martinauer Plan tomorrow’s locations
write out roadmap of stuff that needs building
begin mapping out details for new project 🧠 #existence
More brainstorming, research and inspo gathering #indiejourney
write out a basic roadmap #serverlessreact
Researching and getting inspiration for ideas for new project #indiejourney
rough idea for side project detailed out
Writing down some things for a new upcoming project #life
Planning spontaneous project #personal