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💼 working on day job work #revsys
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💼 caught up on day job #mylife
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💼 1/2 of client work #revsys
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started a new dayjob side project and got about 50% feature complete #mylife
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✏ catching up on day job tonight and then doing some side project work #mylife
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finished a ton of work on a new project. Halfway done with the app.
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🍴 dinner made, more day job, and worked on a new conference frontend. #conf #mylife
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✏ first half of my day home with my sick kid and doing day job the second half. #mylife
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🏢 finished up day job and working on a few things tonight to be ultra prepared for tomorrow and a possible family visit #mylife
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👨‍💻 work on blog a little bit
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😷 still sick but got a 1/2 of client work in. resting and dabbling the rest
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💼 the second half of my day was catching up on #revsys client work
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💼 lots of day job #revsys and some community work
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working on day job stuff #revsys
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Share progress after 1 month. This is my first ever made project. 41-y.o. full-time employed husband and father of 2 (+dog). Roast it #dfe (live version at
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Finished half the filters for Trips, did some progress even though I had a 10 hours work day :=) #venturecost
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💼 day jobbed and spent some time cleaning the oven at my old place. also put my desk together and spent my first half day in my new home office. it was great. #mylife
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💼 busy day os #revsys client work
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👨‍👦 home with my son today and doing day job work #mylife
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💪 work | 🎉 finished the first week of work.
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