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add instructions to help and start commands #writt
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add /help command (open help page) #menubar
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fix double /start command msg deletion bug #kornwolf
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create start command #smartypantsbot
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On @shiptunesbot print /help message also on /start
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improve answer for start command #goldenhour
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add /help to bot
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add /ask command to help page #wip
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Better start message #wtmns
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Fix Start Command Message in Bot: Updated the /start command message to be more relevant to the bot's purpose. Modified 1 file. Powered by #weybabot
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added help command and text command #makergoalbot
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make /help page for #wip
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fix messages on support comand #husky
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Finished /help command, description and added bot logo
See similar todos

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jb: implement /help
See similar todos

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easier to understand /start message #writt
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create help command #smartypantsbot
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Add commands walkthrough on start & updated help message
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add success message #avocadojobs
See similar todos

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#opensource Add help screen to nginx command line wrapper
See similar todos

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