Similar todos
Membership Expiry: Don’t allow edit access when membership is expired #brandtools
show warning when trial is about to expire or already expired #wip
Limit action after trial expires #domainwatch
Adjust trial expired message #legit
implement checking if trial expired (not doing anything with that yet) #blip
#lucidbot deactivate accounts of some trial subscribers who could still use premium version
unset trial_expires_at when trial user subscribes to paid plan #wip
Notify users 1 day before the trial ends #mindwave
Give users extra trial days on their subscription when they subscribe before the trial ended #wip
14-day trial membership set up
Allow admin to set custom trial duration (e.g. 100 days) when creating an invite #wip
Showing extension users when their trial ends and how many actions they can take before it expires.
Create “trial expiring soon” emails #gistreader
Email customer about end of trial #sitesauce
Add trial notice #webstraw
Fix bug where new members on the trial wouldn't have PRO enabled if they didn't redirect back after the checkout #wip
Show early access memberships limit #oneclicktest
do not allow adding new websites beyond trial without a paid account if no websites were added during trial #httpscop
change 'trial expires' mail and add the option to extend trial (first month free) when purchasing a monthly. #mindwave