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Added stats while hovering a trip. Currently it shows the ratings a user has given the trip, but it will be extended to show some numbers later too #venturecost
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fix next trip showed user's trip not the profile user #nomads
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make my #nomads profile public again but hard code to hide trips within last 12 months to stay private
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fix bug that if you add a trip the AJAX would still return overlaps with users that had private profile set #nomads
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Finished Trip Filters on both User and Trips page. Going to extend it later to change the URL, and have more options later on #venturecost
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fix 'now' in #nomads profile .json shows latest trip for now even if the latest trip has ended and no new trip was added #nomads (via @marckohlbrugge)
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Trips on the user-page now displays the trips that are under review (If you are the owner) #venturecost
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internet score missing on trips profile in averages chart #nomads
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add first #hotellist filter for rating
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Fix user rating and reviews bug #barberhead
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fix map previousTrip issue #nomads profile
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Don't use Nomad List location for profile if the most recent trip already ended #wip /cc @shyamady @levelsio
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fix trips profile tags for education, work and likes weren’t functional for user setting them #nomads
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fix user flags private, privacy, members_only and trips_current_and_future_private privacy in trips profile description #nomads
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Show basic information about a user on the user-page (example: Number of trips) #venturecost
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fix friends on trips profile empty #nomads
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#martinauer Disable information if I haven't visited a location yet, because no info !== bad rating
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show upvotes and reviews in profile page #barberhead
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merge profile and trips tab in one like the classic #nomads profiles
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add more travel sites to ratings #hotellist
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