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👾 Bug: Use Twitter's tweet_mode='extended' API to get full_text for delayed/edited tweets. #covfefe
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fix tweeting bug
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Fixed bug on tweet parsing #blaze
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Fix bug where tweets didn't work #betalist
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Fix bug where importing a deleted tweet would bring down the whole site lol #buildinpublic h/t @onerinas
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✨ Enhancement: Allow ✌️editing✌️ of tweets. #covfefe
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fix bug so twitter tools post works #starterstory
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fix @echothread bug #echothread
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Fix UI bug that wouldn't remove a tweet from page after deletion #tweetsweeper
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Add the tweet date on each thread
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#threader2 reply to a thread’s tweet from app
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Finish Twitter thread
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fix Twitter display bug #eavesdrop
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tweak prompts for writing twitter threads #aiplay
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👾 FINALLY fix bug that was preventing link from appearing in Smart Edit highlighted sentence (Tell Michelle & Andrew thanks for finding). #blurt
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Add Twitter thread to Story #kibbles
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publish twitter thread about WIP Q&A reply functionality #wip…
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Fix issue where some really really really old tweets weren't being deleted #autodeletetweets
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turn thread into post… #codewithhugo
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post a new thread… #threader
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