Similar todos
Add in a 'revert to this change' button with functionality for each model change #larametrics
Revert some code changes #checkyourlist
Make sure that reverting changes updates the database directly instead of going through Eloquent #larametrics
Edit view: revert to original state on cancel. #lifesheet
revert url models properties
Delete column and corresponding relationships #drawsql
#filepond fix problem where revert call would revert wrong file in record time of 8 minutes since issue submission
Restructure and reorganize the way that the database model numbers and changes are shown on models.index #larametrics
revert story submission back to original process (no typeform) #gamequitters
refactoring data model #homestretch
refactor models #jobs
make sure constraints are still correct when data changes #blip
merge @felpsio changes #serverlesshandbook
change datamodel cause annoying now less annoying
Update model #melies
Revert back to fixtures. #simplestandup
model change for other infos too