Similar todos
bb: send oct sms stats to 沈總
increment messages sent in db to track usage #therapistai
bb web: show number of unread msgs in every view
get > 440 messages sent so far #caduceus
#spotgetter ⚡ customer apps emit events when connecting and disconnecting apps exchange
two applications sent #laif
get byte counts for unpacked dataset #reactfordataviz
#pn implement basic metrics to count api requests, messages scheduled and so on
debug messaging in iOS app
count things via app #glife
improve #prose app messaging behavior following a reconnect
set up sentry error reporting across 3 apps #bridgedo
Device Usage Stats #awayfromkeyboard
#slackdiscord keep track of slack and discord id's for every message so if somebody replies to a certain message I can find it again in the other app
make #baliseacable show estimated total cable speed (32TB/s), speed test from server, and est consumer speed (for @marcantoinefon)