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figure out using wistia oembed on new homepage
manage to embed vimeo iframe in template according to id in model #codercestcool
upload brisbane keynote to wistia #gamequitters
(wip) added youtube videos #witsio
upload main videos to vimeo #reactfordataviz
Add videos states. Decide YouTube videos and vimeo videos #makertap
added video summaries capability #witsio
jamstack providers video #serverlessreact
webapp vs website video #serverlessreact
use cloudinary for video #fajarsiddiq
upload video somewhere and host it
#sheet2site create new video template with youtube and vimeo videos…
Create a script to post podcast videos on vimeo #sta
make victoryjs video #reactd32018
add personal video of me to pricing page @jumbotron9000’s idea
make vimeo like audio control 😑 #contracting
use Youtube as Gatsby source, list videos from playlist