Similar todos
Added new error type to the documentation of and to the #screenshotone API—resulting_image_too_large 👉…
Add new error handling to API #fashn
Finally get around to fixing error handling in the registration form #boilerplate
Better error handling in #fashn API
Improve auth error handling #theclouddojo
Improve error handling across user signup flow #stronger
better error handling #cryptojobslist
much better error handling #httpscop
add error handling and pretty error messages to login / signup flow #colourhunt
Adding all known #screenshotone API errors to the documentation, API responses and the log request history.
Better error handling on the #backpacklanguage server
Added 2 new help page #boltai
#readbot better error handling and log for failures
fix bug where invalid twitter signups wouldn't show the correct error message / instructions #betalist
friendly error messages for sign in and sign up #scrumpy
add exceptions to regular unexpected errors like if bad AJAX reply from server API, and use “throw new Error()” which then get auto logged to server and send to us, so that we can fix them. This is to replace “Error 2: Something went wrong. Tweet @nomadlist if this keeps happening” so that all errors are logged now. #nomads
added error handling when user inputs invalid date #travelassistant
sent new views for Error, Maintenance, Cookie Pages