Colour Hunt
#colourhunt signup #gdpr
remove drift from
remove ga from
fix bug, which was introduced with the copy to clipboard feature. removed old click handler, which was not used anymore.
Change unvoted button to grayscale, to provide better contrast between voted and not voted
#colourhunt repo public on github…
add copy to clipboard function on detail page
add copy to clipboard function in front page
Add function to copy each color to clipboard
Change (Remove Color Swatch) Button - Make smaller and align to right
increase palettes per page to 21, so they are equal on the last row
add more padding to footer
add more gallery images to
#colourhunt PH page
#colourhunt to Show IH & Reddit
#colourhunt to product hunt…
create logo for ph launch tomorrow
fix password strenght indicator on Firefox
update vue-password dependency and add toggle button to signup page
prepare ph Launch
add sitemap nuxt module and add dynamic routes to sitemap