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migrate rc database from sqlite to postgres
Figure out how to quickly migrate id from int to UUID with GRDB/sqlite #blip
#acnh Move thingy from SQLite to MariaDB because SQLite is being annoying and randomly refuses to write to db.
Setup SQLite database and SQLite View in Cursor
baby steps to implement SQLite on Husky #husky
Migrate databases #life
migrate from sqlite to postgres, wooooooo
decouple database items and cards in main activity, migrate queries away from UI thread to improve performance #pinlocker
upgrade SQLite3 from [3.22.0 2018-01-22] to [3.35.5 2021-04-19] in hopes it will fix some I/O performance write issues #nomads #remoteok (thx @daniellockyer)
help @AndreyAzimov set up SQLite #life
Actually finish migration + smooth some things out #ayht
Make #openpoll work with turso or sqlite
Dashboard database migration started #larametrics